Termite Identification Kit


Don’t spend money trying to kill nuisance termites.

Only a few species attack the solid timber in buildings. This ID Kit will help you to sort out which is which.

There is a quailty magnifying glass with built-in light, a glass phial with a rod to make capture easy, a pre-paid envelope to post us the specimen so we can ID it if you can’t work it out from the info and indentikit illustrations on the cards.

You can have the kit for $6.95 with free shipping anywhere in Australia. (The Kit is only a help on ID-ing Aussie Termites).

Free delivery Australia wide




Only $6.95 with free Postage and Handling.
The Kit Contains:

  • 10 double-sided cards,
  • Fully illustrated in color with info on termites in general and the main Australian pest species;
  • A 2-strength magnifying glass with light;
  • A dowel rod to assist in capturing termites;
  • A glass phial with exible rod to pick up a soldier termite for ID and
  • A pre-paid addressed envelope so you can post your specimen to us to verify your ID if you need it.

Free delivery Australia wide

